Dr. V. Geethalakshmi, the Honorable Vice Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, presided over the opening ceremony of the EDII - KABIF incubatees mart on 29.01.2024. The event happened in the heartwarming presence of Dr. M. Raveendran, Director of Research at TNAU, Dr. R. Swarnapriya, Special Officer and Director and Nodal Officer EDII - KABIF and Dr. M. Theradimani, Dean of VOC AC & RI, Killikulam. Out of the two counters, one has been rented for our incubatee Mr. Essaki Raja, Aiyini Ventures to run bakery products, while the other showcases products from all our incubatees for sale with notable products from Millet leaf, Kredi Grapes and Child and Youth Development Foundation(CYDF).
EDII Killikulam Agri Business Incubation Forum, as an incubator, offers a wide range of services to budding entrepreneurs in agri and allied sectors. In order to provide an enabling ecosystem to support entrepreneurial growth, KABIF offers services that include networking, market linkage, technical mentoring, funding facilitation, capacity building and training, and infrastructure facilities like machines, conference halls, and co-working spaces. Co-working spaces are office spaces that provide an affordable workplace along with networking opportunities. Mr. A. Kasisekar, the proprietor of M/S Vels Organics, became a member of EDII KABIF on April 21, 2023, and occupied a co-working cabin to run their business with the support of the Incubation Forum. The cabin key was handed over to M/S Vels Organics by Dr. M. Theradimani, the Director and Nodal Officer, EDII-KABIF.
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